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Our tour will take you fist to the National Kiev-Pechersk Caves’ Monastery Historical and Cultural Reserve. The monastery was set up in the mid XI century A.D. It is one of the most ancient monasteries on the territory of Eastern Slavonic states.

During this tour you will visit underground labyrinths of caves with mummies of monks, Museum of Treasures displaying the rich Scythian Gold collection and collection of the Judaic ritual silver objects XVIII-XX c, Museum of Microminiature. The reserve is situated on the picturesque hills and from the sightseeing place of Bell Tower you will have opportunity to delight the view over the gold-domed monastery complex and marvelous banks of Dnipro river. Note: fixed rate of 1250 UAH / 52 USD / 49 Euro per excursion (1-10 pax) + 71 UAH / 3 USD / 3 Euro per person , starting from 10 pax entrance fee per person 143 UAH / 6 USD / 6 Euro. Tour with museums besides of panoramic tour in Kiev Pechersk Preserve and Caves includes Museum of Treasures, Museum of Micro miniatures and Bell Tower. The duration of excursion-4 hours. Prices are valid for next languages: Rus/Eng/Ger/Fra/Spa.

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